Monday, June 14, 2021

A Perfect Storm

2020 was a storm, and it was no random event. I'll make an effort to be concise. A cabal of Globalists, Technocrats, Communists, Bankers, Business Titans and Politicians attacked the world. United by a vision, called the Great Reset, they used government and private funding to develop a bio-weapon. It was intentionally spread and it's effects are ongoing. It impacted the global economy, killed three million, and exposed that governments were willing to destroy individual liberties in favor of public health.

This virus was just one tool in a diverse toolbox. The shutdown of free speech, the corruption of the American institutions of government, education, and economy were already underway for decades. When governments decided to use emergency powers to keep citizens locked down, something that had never happened in my lifetime happened; the suspension of freedom in the name of public health. Some call it medical tryanny, some call it scientific tryanny, but make no mistake, there was nothing democratic about the process, it was purely authoritarian. No states held a vote to determine if it should shutdown its economy. The only state that never shut down in any way was Wyoming, the least populous state in the nation.

The virus proved mostly ineffective at the goal of planetary population reduction. A mere four million dead halfway through 2021. Now a vaccine which alters DNA is being injected into millions of people. It was meant to be the sweep up operation to kill  or sterilize the survivors of a deadlier bioweapon. The very obvious medical reactions that healthy people have had to the "vaccine" which is not really a vaccine, has woken up millions of people that our medical system does not care about our health and neither does our government. 

Under the guise of a pandemic, the American election was stolen. The audits are now happening and showing the fraud. A much bigger storm is brewing and we are only at the beginning of it. The first domino to fall is the state of Arizona. Then Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin will follow. Election fraud is not an issue that one can simply "move on" from. There will be justice one way or another.

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