Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Safety Data Emerges

Two years and two months after the emergence of COVID-19, the safety data for the Pfizer vaccine, which was initially going to be released in the year 2075, has been released this month. It shows that the mainstream media claim that the vaccine was 95% effective in stopping infection of Coronavirus was a lie. In reality the vaccine has a lower efficacy rate in stopping infection of Coronavirus than the immune systems of unvaccinated people. The vaccine is also less effective than Hydroxychloroquine, which has decades of safety data in its use as a treatment for Malaria. Every day that goes by, confirms my decision to not take the vaccine was the correct decision. 

The mainstream media has again covered up the release of important scientific data because they just spent the last year attempting to brainwash the masses into thinking it was safe and effective. They used part of the HIV virus to construct the vaccine, it alters human DNA, it dramatically raises the risk of developing myocarditis and blood clots. Hundreds of athletes have collapsed in the European Soccer leagues, the American Basketball and Football leagues, but the truth remains obscured from the vision of the public. The Biden Regime is doing its best to destroy the American economy, and distract people from one of the greatest lies ever perpetrated in modern Western Civilization. We can only hope that out of this wildfire comes a great awakening.

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