Tuesday, September 24, 2024


I can think of no greater evil on this planet, God’s Green Earth, than the American Democratic Party. All things which stand as good, true, righteous and moral are inverted, destroyed and mocked by their beliefs. In every conceivable way they denigrate the people who stand for family, tradition, country and simple common sense. With an iron fist, they attempt to constantly control the framing and phrasing of all information that is present in current events. They cast the darkest spell known to mankind: deception, inversion, destruction. Their spells hold the minds of millions of young and old people, preying upon one of the oldest sins in existence; pride. Not only do they believe that they are right, they believe that they have the moral highground. As Ahriman’s energy contracts, Lucifer’s energy expands infinitely and believes that it is greater than God. In the same way, these people have a belief that they are superior without knowing the history of what they actually support. The level of self-deception is infuriating, every word they speak is cognitive dissonance. People who refuse to look into the history of something while blindly supporting it are people that I cannot associate with. 

I cannot upon my own moral compass, give any energy of my spirit to them because of the nature of the things they support. They support the eradication of tradition, of structure of simplicity and of concreteness. They support the idea that gender is a spectrum, that it doesn’t really matter whether someone is born with male or female chromosomes, what matters is what the individual says that they are. Without being able to see that it is the ultimate folly of subjective philosophy. A man can plainly state to everyone that he is an elephant, not a human, and be fully wrong. Just as a man can state to everyone that he is now a woman, it is just with a greater level of foolishness that this happens today regularly. Furthermore it is the darkest of dark thoughts to imagine a young boy, being guided by those who subscribe to Democrat ideology, to the surgery table. A surgery table awaits them where a brainwashed and highly immoral surgeon will carry out his orders of removing the boys’ genitals in an irreversible procedure. Billions of nerve endings, blood vessels and tissue cells are severed. The possibility of ever fathering a human life is severed. All reason and morality has been severed by those who support unthinkable procedures such as this.

Gentle is often the way to approach human beings, but gentle and kind is not the way to treat people who support this mind virus. It is with a fatherly strictness, a blunt honesty, a frankness of speech and a directness born of compassion for their soul that they must be treated. In many cases it is not their fault that they were deceived and they need to be led towards the light. How can they be led towards the light if you are content to watch them be guided by the devil into the pit of the fires of hell.

Friday, April 5, 2024

A Psychological Split, A Splinter In The Mind


A Psychological Split, A Splinter In The Mind

The Modern Political Scenario of a Divided Nation

Part I: The Dystopia

It is very strange to watch the world change over time and watch it undergo completely unexpected changes. The modern world is a dystopia; children are brainwashed, adults are brainwashed, truth is elusive, information is banned, falsehoods stand as truths, truths are misconstrued, there is utter confusion and chaos. Each day humanity takes another step towards annihilation and ignorance. The situation facing humanity is dire. The institutions of the Western world; the governments, corporations, industries, and other organizations have conspired against working class people. Humanity has to awaken to hard truths so that it can prevent a totalitarian technocracy from taking over the world. The only antidote to the dystopian society of the future is a great awakening in the hearts and minds of the common people.

There has been an effort by governments, corporations, banks, universities and the medical industrial complex to change the landscape of the modern world culturally, financially and politically. There is a shrinking middle class and shrinking population due to low birthrates. Many people believe they cannot afford to have children. Many believe they will never own a home. Many people live paycheck to paycheck and many more don't have enough money to pay bills so they sink further into debt. In many ways, the dystopia is already here. People have been struggling to make a living in the United States in the past two decades because of inflation and the rising cost of living. The working class has received little help from their governments compared to the endless billions of foreign aid that governments have funneled into pointless wars. Western Civilization, including The U.S. Canada and the EU are an unjust group of countries that have betrayed their own people.

America has become a place most accurately described by author and journalist Chris Hedges in his book Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and The Triumph Of Spectacle: “We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.” Every institution that we entrust to perform a critical function in our society has become an institution that poisons and destroys the thing it is meant to protect.

How did we arrive at this point in history? The United States of America is 33 trillion dollars in debt, Americans hold over 1 trillion in credit card debt and total household debt is over 17 trillion. The dollar has lost the majority of its value from 1900 to 2023. Amid this financial weakening of working class America, new billionaires are created and hundreds of billions of dollars are shipped across the world to fund wars the American people do not support. The only way that something so absurd and so openly traitorous against its own people could occur is for the state sponsored media to run cover for the entire operation and keep people distracted from important facts by focusing attention on drama, disagreements, arguments, insults, crimes, sports and sensational stories.

The media plays a crucial role in the changing landscape of the modern world because they are the Praetorian guard of the ruling class. They are the gatekeepers of information and they have the power to make an innocent person seem guilty or a guilty person seem innocent.

People across the world distrust the Western mainstream, legacy media and view it as the propaganda arm of the government. In the beginning of the mainstream media, the media was a public service funded by taxes that was intended to inform the population without bias. Over time, it morphed into something so sinister that the truth about the state of the world could be whatever lie the media said. In other words, it gained the power to dictate what is truth and what is falsehood. The government-media complex has eroded the freedom of speech, accelerated the of censorship of ideas and has damaged Western Civilization by gate keeping truth.

The dystopia consists of failing social systems, failing infrastructure, failing economy and failing physical and mental health while the media feeds opiates to the masses and brazenly lies about the state of affairs. There is no better illustration of the corruption of modern society than the 2020-2023 covid vaccine campaign. The federal government and state governments forced Americans to decide between keeping their employment and taking an experimental gene altering pharmaceutical product while the mainstream media repeated the constant lie that it was “safe and effective” A more sinister situation on the earth could not be conceived by the mind of the devil. An injection that was neither safe nor effective was marketed to and forced upon working class Americans leading to a number of deaths and devastating illnesses that has not been accurately calculated yet. The nation that America used to be is gone; the people's loyalties are fractured, the mind of humanity is fractured, the dam is breaking and the future remains uncertain.

What direction will Western Civilization go? Will it become a vassal state of the rising Chinese communist nation? Will it bring justice to those responsible for the covid deception?

Common people must not be governed by people in shadows and must never consent to tyranny. It is the citizens responsibility to hold the government's feet to the fire. That used to be the media's job, but they have failed, and in that crucial area, the citizen journalists must succeed. Citizens are responsible for our society's future. By organizing public hearings with local, state and federal officials, citizen and independent journalists must educate fellow citizens and air their grievances. These hearings should live-streamed on the internet and kept for public record. The time has come for all the criminality to end and for justice to be served. The thing our country needs most right now is for its citizens to crawl out of the digital prisons that the architects of society keep us in, to emerge from our homes and convene in an open location to broadcast the truth to the world and to get to the bottom of who is responsible for our national decline and how criminal charges can be brought against them for their treason.

The government of the United States of America is worthy of scolding, it is deserving of the wrath of the citizenry. Common people cannot be mistreated, defrauded and disrespected by the government repeatedly and be expected to not retaliate and merely consent to abuse. Not until recent years have Americans ever seen the government enact draconian measures against the population in an attempt to promote the greater good. The government's failed attempt to promote the greater good came at the cost of liberty.

America is a country founded in rebellion of tyranny. Regardless of political ideology, Americans are blessed with rights, protections and privileges under the law that are not given to all people across the world. The government does not grant us these rights and privileges, the government does not assign meaning to our lives, our government was not designed to act as surrogate parents for us as American citizens. It is a misconception that the documents written by the founding fathers give us our rights. The framers intended to convey that our rights as free men and women are given to us at birth by God. No individual person or organization can ever take them away from us. We do not work for the government, the government works for us and exists to serve us and our best interests. Losing sight of that fact alone could shatter our Republic.

The corruption and deception will continue like business as usual unless there is a larger effort to hold people in government accountable for their actions. We as citizens bear a responsibility to do everything in our power to stop corruption. Allowing it to happen and complaining when it happens repeatedly simply won't cut it going forward. One of the greatest sayings of Thomas Jefferson is “When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.” America is reaching a moment in the history of the nation where the citizens will decide if America will be a free and Capitalist society or if it will go down the road of socialism, communism and dystopia.

Despite all of these harsh realities for working people, the answer will never be socialism or communism. The universities in America have brainwashed countless young people into thinking that socialism and communism are better economic systems than capitalism. The truth is that no economic system offers more freedom, stability and prosperity than fair market capitalism. The greater problems that we face in America are corruption, corporatism and organized crime. The government has become a mafia, corporations have become just as corrupt, constantly breaking laws and creating monopolies. Consolidation of economic activity into a few super-corporations like Amazon and Wal-Mart are not a sign of healthy capitalism, but instead a move toward oligarchy. The government fails to stop monopolies because the government is controlled by corporations and we live in a corporate oligarchy. Politicians are selected and funded by oligarchs to serve the corporate-government complex.

The first and second amendment are a iron forged sword and shield against tyranny. Our freedom of speech is our sword and our right to bear arms is our shield. It is crucial that all citizens be able to criticize and openly denigrate the actions of government officials and bureaucratic agencies. It is crucial that all citizens be able to bear arms, for self defense and for protection against government overreach. It has been said by many political commentators in many ways, but the importance of the first and second amendment cannot be overstated. It is the foundation of all political discourse and philosophical discourse because it is only through truthful speech that all falsehoods are defeated.

The blame is not directed simply at the American government, this is a global problem, with other nations advancing the agenda of forced totalitarian control over populations. Western Civilization is dying and it is under attack. Millions of people are immigrating into Western Civilization who have no plans of assimilation and have instead plans of cultural dominance. Western Civilization, both in Europe and America have systematically betrayed their citizens by giving economic benefits, government assistance and opportunities to immigrants while leaving their own citizens to fend for themselves. Tensions have never been higher because no government on earth can justify helping people of another country before helping their own. The brazen disrespect is meant to infuriate Americans and sow seeds of discontent.


The Coronavirus outbreak created two competing versions of reality. When Coronavirus was announced as a national emergency on March 13th, 2020, two mutually exclusive timelines and overarching narratives were formed about the events unfolding day by day. For some, the world was in the midst of an ongoing deadly pandemic. For others, the world was under attack biologically and psychologically by governments, pharmaceutical companies and the military industrial complex. For some, the truth lies somewhere in between the extremes.

The psychological warfare that the world recently witnessed was effective on vast numbers of people, but others resisted it entirely. How can propaganda be so effective on some and such an utter failure on others? After years of witnessing the government and the media lie to them, some people refused to be fooled again. Psychological warfare can often be used to instill fear in the minds of the victims. The propaganda used during the Coronavirus outbreak from 2020 to 2023 is the quintessential example of fear based propaganda. People in the United States have been unaware for decades that the systems of society; the institutions, the infrastructure of civilization have been changed with malicious intentions.

Fear can create irrationality and poor decision making. The fear created during the virus outbreak led many people to make decisions that would negatively affect their health, their businesses and their families. In my short lifetime, no event has caused the same level of social disruption and social tension that Coronavirus caused. Neighbors turned on each other, family members turned on each other, an in-group was created who followed “the rules” and an out-group was created who were ostracized for “breaking the rules”.

The key to understanding how the world could be lied to on the greatest scale ever seen in the modern time is by viewing the situation as an example of information warfare. Rather than giving people the absolute truth, the mainstream media gave out a somewhat plausible explanation for the outbreak of the virus. Viruses can often be transferred from animals to humans, so it was not a stretch to some people that this virus could have come from someone eating a bat.

For some people, just the simple idea of a human being eating a dead bat seemed completely absurd. This is not a commonplace practice anywhere in the United States because bats are viewed as carriers of disease, much like rats, there are so many other food options available and people generally don't hunt for bats when they go hunting. When the original lie isn't very strong, highly skeptical people are questioning the story from the start. What is more likely? A complete accident, coming from the consumption of one of the living creatures least consumed worldwide as a source of food, or a deliberate attack from one government on an opposing nation's population in which a state of cold war already exists between the two nations?

China and the United States already have an adversarial relationship, so it would make sense for China to attack. However, the reality is that the release of Coronavirus was not an attack launched solely by China against the U.S. But rather it was a multi-year operation funded by the United States government, done in cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party, to weaken both the population of the U.S. But more importantly to weaken the United States military servicemen and servicewomen while also causing an economic decline and depression. A paper trail of damning evidence already exists and is public record showing that this cooperation between the U.S. And China, along with cooperation from Canada and certain countries in Europe, is the real version of current events and the only true acceptable history of the last three years.

The result of this psychological warfare is a mountain of dead bodies created with maximum irony. By convincing the under-informed, misguided masses that they should take an injection that would protect them against the spreading illness around the world, they actually convinced them to take something that ended up killing them. The dead innocent people from the vaccine is not where the irony ends.

People admitted to hospitals were killed by the medical malpractice of the hospital staff when they were put on ventilators and given pharmaceutical drugs that made their condition worse. The cherry on top was that there were cheap, effective, safe, tested drugs that have been used for decades, that were hidden, demeaned, criticized, not given, not prescribed, and denied to patients who were suffering and dying. The mainstream media acted as the primary apparatus for brainwashing the public in all aspects of the pandemic from government policy to scientific consensus.

Everything happens for a reason, and what has transpired over the last three years must have happened to awaken the sleeping masses to the reality of the modern political scenario both domestically and globally. Governments have engaged in biological weapons attacks against their own populations. It cannot be understated the vaccination programs enacted globally in response to the SARS-COV-2 virus were an act of genocide.

Science was meant to be a system of determining empirical truths about physical reality, but it has also been corrupted by the influence of money and power. Doctors and scientists who were once trusted figures in society have become the subject of criminal investigations. Pharmaceutical companies have been fined for lying about safety data in clinical trials. Government officials have questioned key figures in the historical event of the Coronavirus outbreak, but no arrests have been made, no fines have been charged, and no justice has been served for the Americans and people across the world who have died due to medical malpractice.

Incorrect drugs were administered, patients were mistakenly put on ventilators and the general public was not informed of the details of the medical procedure that they could choose to undergo. The reality of the Coronavirus vaccine is different than any tragedy in my lifetime because unlike senseless killings and terrorism, people lined up willingly to undergo an experimental medical procedure which ended their lives. I have been shocked and sickened by the reality of people being seriously injured and killed by the Coronavirus “vaccine” which did not meet the basic requirements to be called a vaccine because it did not confer immunity.


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Still in the sea of madness

 Still cannot find my way in this world. 

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Minor Inconvenience

It's not even a big inconvenience to have a fake pandemic be the cover for a stolen election, resulting in the rapid decline of the nation. Like bro, it's not even a big deal that DNA altering nanolipid particles were injected into a billion people. I'm glad that the prospect of nuclear war doesn't bother me. Barely an inconvenience. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Walking In The Forrest

 I have traveled to the Northeast, through the Ouachita Forrest, through the Ozarks to the Mark Twain National Forrest. I have been called here. I have been called to walk alone, to walk with my dog, to breathe the air of this area, which is so different from where I am from. I live in a place too hot for my liking, too crowded for my liking and too hostile for my liking. I do not wish to live in a place that is excessively hot or excessively cold, but instead a place that has a mild climate and fresh air. I cannot predict what will come of this trip, what my next steps are, or what purpose I am meant to fulfill in this incarnation. I am simply following my instincts which have lead me to where I now sit.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Barely Any Fuel Left

 In my spiritual gas tank I am running low. These times are so dark for America and the World. This is a recession. This is a failure. This is a painful time. Democrats are good at destroying things. It only took 16 months for them to bring our whole economy down. But Republicans are to blame too, for going along with the invasion of the Southern border and parts of the Democratic agenda.

Its time for me to go back to plant teachers, I have not been ready for 3 years. Not ready for guidance. Not ready to see beyond. But now I am low, and cannot get up. I need a hand up and my hand is reaching out.