Tuesday, September 24, 2024


I can think of no greater evil on this planet, God’s Green Earth, than the American Democratic Party. All things which stand as good, true, righteous and moral are inverted, destroyed and mocked by their beliefs. In every conceivable way they denigrate the people who stand for family, tradition, country and simple common sense. With an iron fist, they attempt to constantly control the framing and phrasing of all information that is present in current events. They cast the darkest spell known to mankind: deception, inversion, destruction. Their spells hold the minds of millions of young and old people, preying upon one of the oldest sins in existence; pride. Not only do they believe that they are right, they believe that they have the moral highground. As Ahriman’s energy contracts, Lucifer’s energy expands infinitely and believes that it is greater than God. In the same way, these people have a belief that they are superior without knowing the history of what they actually support. The level of self-deception is infuriating, every word they speak is cognitive dissonance. People who refuse to look into the history of something while blindly supporting it are people that I cannot associate with. 

I cannot upon my own moral compass, give any energy of my spirit to them because of the nature of the things they support. They support the eradication of tradition, of structure of simplicity and of concreteness. They support the idea that gender is a spectrum, that it doesn’t really matter whether someone is born with male or female chromosomes, what matters is what the individual says that they are. Without being able to see that it is the ultimate folly of subjective philosophy. A man can plainly state to everyone that he is an elephant, not a human, and be fully wrong. Just as a man can state to everyone that he is now a woman, it is just with a greater level of foolishness that this happens today regularly. Furthermore it is the darkest of dark thoughts to imagine a young boy, being guided by those who subscribe to Democrat ideology, to the surgery table. A surgery table awaits them where a brainwashed and highly immoral surgeon will carry out his orders of removing the boys’ genitals in an irreversible procedure. Billions of nerve endings, blood vessels and tissue cells are severed. The possibility of ever fathering a human life is severed. All reason and morality has been severed by those who support unthinkable procedures such as this.

Gentle is often the way to approach human beings, but gentle and kind is not the way to treat people who support this mind virus. It is with a fatherly strictness, a blunt honesty, a frankness of speech and a directness born of compassion for their soul that they must be treated. In many cases it is not their fault that they were deceived and they need to be led towards the light. How can they be led towards the light if you are content to watch them be guided by the devil into the pit of the fires of hell.

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